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There are certain Islamic Terms which you should remember and which will assist you to understand facts better. These terms are:

1. ADAA-E-SALAAH: To perform Salaah in its correct time.
2. QADA: To perform Salaah after its appointed time has passed.
3. JAMAAH SALAAH: To perform Salaah with the congregation.
4. IMAAM: One who leads the Salaah or congregation.
5. MUQTADI: One who follows the Imaam.
6. MUDRIK: One who follows the Imaam from the start to the finish of a Salaah.
7. MASBOOK: One who joins the Jamaah anytime after the first Ruku.
8. LAAHIQ: One who joins the Salaah from the beginning and then misses one or more Rakaah while in Salaah.
9. MUNFARID: One who reads the Salaah alone.