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1. I'tikaaf means to seclude oneself in the Masjid for the Ibaadah of Almighty Allah.
2. The person who performs the I'tikaaf is called the "Mu'takif."
3. It is Sunnat-e-Mu'akkidah to observe I'tikaaf during the last 10 days of Ramadaan.
4. I'tikaaf begins from sunset of the 20th of Ramadaan and ends with the sighting of the Eid moon.
5. Women should observe I'tikaaf in their homes at the place where they normally read their Salaah.
6. Some of the many benefits that are to be gained by performing the I'tikaaf are:
6.1 A person in I'tikaaf keeps away from worldly affairs and many sinful deeds.
6.2 A person is able to devote all his or her time in Ibaadah and, thereby, increase in Taqwa (piety).
7. The Muslim who performs the I'tikaaf must be sane, mature and in a state of Tahaarah (cleanliness).
8. I'tikaaf should be performed in a Masjid where the 5 daily Salaah is performed with Jamaah.
9. While in I'tikaaf, a person should occupy himself in Zikr, Nafil Salaah, recitation of the Holy Quran, learning and teaching Islamic knowledge.
10. The person must not indulge in worldly affairs or talks.
11.Leaving the Masjid without any valid reason will break the I'tikaaf.                                                                                                                       
12. One of the main purposes of the I'tikaaf is also to seek the Night of Qadr (Power).