TAHAARAH As Muslims we must always be in a state of “Tahaarah” or “Cleanliness.” The Holy Quran says: “Surely Allah…
Short Surahs
SHORT SURAHS Translations of verses from “Kanzul Imaan” by A’la Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza (alaihir rahmah) Surah FateehaSurah IkhlaasSurah KausarSurah…
Adaab of Dressing
ADAAB OF DRESSING 1. Males are not permitted to wear clothes made from silk, while females are allowed to wear…
Good Conduct
GOOD CONDUCT 1. Islam teaches us to be clean in thought and deed. 2. Every Muslim must greet one another…
The Adaab of Eating and Drinking
THE ADAAB OF EATING AND DRINKING 1. Make sure that the food or drink is Halaal. 2. Wash your hands…
Natural Acts of Cleanliness
NATURAL ACTS OF CLEANLINESS All natural acts of cleanliness have been termed actions of “Fitrah”, in other words, actions which…
Things That are Haraam
THINGS THAT ARE HARAAM The flesh of animals which: 1. Kills other animals with their paws and teeth, such as…
Durood Shareef
DUROOD SHAREEF What is Durood Shareef? To recite the Durood Shareef and send Salaams upon Sayyiduna Rasulullah ﷺ is an…
Death and Janazah
DEATH AND JANAZAH When a Muslim is in the last stages of his or her life, those present should read…
Hajj, Umrah and Ziarah
HAJJ, UMRAH AND ZIARAH HAJJ The Hajj Pilgrimage, is one of the Pillars and fundamentals of Islam. It is the…
Festivals of Islam
FESTIVALS OF ISLAM 1. Youmul Aashurah: 10th of Muharram. 2. Laylatul Me’raj: 27th night of Rajab. 3. Laylatul Baraat: 15th…
Zakaah – Basics
ZAKAAH – BASICS Important Points on Zakaah 1. Zakaah is Fard upon all Muslim adults, who are free from debts…
SADAQAH-E-FITR 1. Sadaqah-e-Fitr is compulsory upon all Muslim men and women who are “Saahib-e-Nisaab”. This means that it is compulsory…
Laylatul Qadr – The Night Of Power
LAYLATUL QADR – THE NIGHT OF POWER 1. Laylatul Qadr is to be found amongst the last 5 odd nights…
Saum – Basics
SAUM – BASICS The Benefits of Saum 1.Saum or Fasting is a great Blessing given to us by Almighty Allah.…
The Days Of Eid
THE DAYS OF EID Eid-ul-Fitr: Eid-ul-Fitr occurs on the 1st of Shawaal. It is a day of joy for those…
Qada Salaah
QADA SALAAH 1. Qada Salaah is Salaah that is made after the appointed time of that Salaah has passed. 2.…
Sajdah Tilaawah
SAJDAH TILAAWAH 1. There are certain Ayah (Verses) of the Holy Quran, for which it becomes Waajib upon a person…
Nawaafil (Nafil) Salaah
NAWAAFIL (NAFIL) SALAAH Nawaafil Salaah, even though they are not obligatory, help Muslims to praise Almighty Allah and increase Barakah.…
Salaatus Safar (Qasr)
SALAATUS SAFAR (QASR) 1. Muslims, with the intention of travelling 106 kilometres or more and intend staying at their destination…
Salaatul Mareed
SALAATUL MAREED 1. If a person is sick and cannot stand and read Salaah, he or she may sit and…
Taraweeh Salaah
TARAWEEH SALAAH 1. Taraweeh Salaah is Sunnat-e-Mu’akkidah for both males and females during the Month of Ramadaan. 2. Taraweeh Salaah…
Jummah Salaah
JUMMAH SALAAH Conditions for Jummah Salaah There are certain conditions that a person must fulfil before Jummah Salaah becomes compulsory.…
Sajdah Sahw
SAJDAH SAHW “Sajdah Sahw” are the 2 Sajdah that are performed at the end of the Salaah to correct a…
Witr Salaah
WITR SALAAH What is Witr Salaah? 1. Witr Salaah is Waajib. 2. There are 3 Rakaah in Witr Salaah. 3.…
Kinds of Religious Actions
KINDS OF RELIGIOUS ACTIONS FARD: Fard are those actions ordered by Almighty Allah and are compulsory. Anyone who rejects or…
Islamic Terms
ISLAMIC TERMS There are certain Islamic Terms which you should remember and which will assist you to understand facts better.…
Salaah – Basics
SALAAH – BASICS The Benefits of Salaah The Holy Quran says: “Establish Salaah to remember Me (Allah).” (20:14) Before we…
The Five Major Impurities
THE FIVE MAJOR IMPURITIES There are 5 major impurities (things that are not clean or pure) that we Muslims should…