Conditions for Jummah Salaah

There are certain conditions that a person must fulfil before Jummah Salaah becomes compulsory. They are:
1. To be a male.
2. To be within the boundary of a town.
3. To be healthy (physically able to perform the Salaah).
4. The road to the Masjid should be safe.
5. Not to be physically handicapped, for example, being blind or cripple.

Sunnah Acts on the Day of Jummah

1. Make Ghusal (bath), trim nails and remove the unwanted hairs of the body.
2. Wear clean clothes. Of course, this should be done at all times.
3. Use sweet scent (I’tr) when going to the Masjid.
4. Try and read the following Surahs: Surah Kahf and Surah Dukhaan.
5. It is highly recommended that one reads the Salaatus Tasbeeh.
6. Read as much Durood Shareef as possible.
7. Make as much Du’a as possible.

The Jummah Salaah

1. The time for Jummah Salaah starts after Zawaal until the end of the Zohar Salaah time.
2. After the first Azaan, read the 4 Rakaah Sunnat-e-Mu’akkidah.
3. The Imaam normally gives a short lecture.
4. Then the two Khutbah are read. You should not speak, read Salaah or make Zikr during the Khutbah. You should listen carefully to the Khutbah and face the Imaam.
5. After the Khutbah, 2 Rakaah Fard Salaah is read with Jamaah.
6. Thereafter, the following Salaah are read: 4 Rakaah Sunnat-e-Mu’akkidah, 2 Rakaah Sunnat-e-Mu’akkidah, and lastly, 2 Rakaah Nafil Salaah.
7. Since Jummah is not Waajib upon the females, they can read their Zohar Salaah at home.
8. A person who misses his Jummah Salaah can perform his Zohar Salaah.
9. Nowadays, it is seen that many youngsters rush off from the Masjid immediately after the Fard Salaah of Jummah. This is a great sin as they are leaving out the Sunnah of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).
10. It is a great sin for a male not to go for Jummah Salaah without a valid excuse.
11. Avoid talking and making noise in the Wudu Khana and Masjid during the lecture and the Khutbah.
12. Do not come late to the Masjid and miss out on listening to the Jummah Khutbah. Many have the habit of just entering the Masjid before the end of the Jummah Khutbah and rushing for the Fard Salaah. This is not a good practise.
13. It is of great benefit to recite the Salaatu Salaam (ie. send Salaams to Sayyiduna Rasulullah sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) after the Jummah Salaah.