Important Points about Qurbaani
1. Qurbaani can be performed from the 10th of Zil-Hajj after Eid Salaah till the Asar Salaah of the 12th of Zil-Hajj.
2. Qurbaani is made to observe the Sunnah of Sayyiduna Nabi Ebrahim (alaihis salaam).
3. It is Waajib upon all those who are able to afford making Qurbaani on the 10th of Zil-Hajj.
4. Qurbaani is not Waajib upon a traveller, but if he or she wants to do so they may perform the Qurbaani.
5. Qurbaani may be made for one’s children or any deceased.
6. The Qurbaani meat may be divided into three parts:
6.1 One part to the poor and needy.
6.2 One part to friends and relatives.
6.3 One part for one’s own household.
7. If the person cannot afford to share in the above manner, then he or she may use all the meat in their own household.
8. Qurbaani meat cannot be given to non-Muslims who are living in a country that is ruled by Kuffar (like South Africa). If this was a Muslim-ruled country, then we would be allowed to give Qurbaani meat to the Kuffar.
9. The skin of the animals can be:
9.1 Used by oneself.
9.2 Given to the poor.
9.3 Sold and the money given to the poor.
Animals that can be Sacrificed
1. Goats and sheep that must be at least one year old. Even if they are 6 month old, they must be fat and healthy.
2. Cattle, buffalo or bull must be at least 2 years old.
3. Camels must be at least 5 years old.
NOTE : Cattle, buffalo, bull and camel meat can be divided into 7 shares. Seven people may purchase one animal and share in the meat. The meat must be equally divided amongst the 7 people.
Physical Condition of the Animal
Animals should be healthy and free from the following defects:
1. Lameness which does not allow the animal to stand on its 4 feet.
2. Blindness, even in one eye.
3. Horns broken from the roots.
4. Ears that are cut more than one third of their actual size.
5. Tails that are cut more than one third of their actual size.
6. Aged animals.
7. Sickness
8. So thin that the bones are visible.
Method of Slaughter
1. Slaughter the animal with a very sharp knife.
2. Do not slaughter an animal in front of another animal.
3. Four veins should be cleanly cut – the throat, windpipe and the 2 jugular veins. Even if 3 are cut the meat of the animal would still be considered Halaal.
4. It is Makrooh to cause pain and suffering to the animal unnecessarily.
5. The animal should be placed on its side on the ground with its head towards the Qiblah.
6. It is better that the person who is making Qurbaani should slaughter the animal. However, if this is not possible, then he or she should at least stand near the sacrifice.
7. Before slaughtering, read the prescribed Dua.
8. The person should then slaughter the animal by reading the prescribed Dua.