1. If a person is sick and cannot stand and read Salaah, he or she may sit and read Salaah. The head should be bent a little for Ruku and a little more for Sajdah.

2. If the person is very sick and cannot even sit up, then he or she may perform his Salaah while lying on his back. The head should be placed on a high position and the knees bent so that he or she will be able to bend the head a little for Ruku and a little more for Sajdah. If his or her knees cannot bend, then the legs should be facing straight towards the Qiblah.

3. If the person has been unconscious for less than 24 hours then he or she must perform the Qadah Salaah. If the person has been unconscious for more than 24 hours or more than the time in which 6 Salaah could have been performed, then there is no Qadah Salaah for that person.