The Benefits of Saum
1.Saum or Fasting is a great Blessing given to us by Almighty Allah.
2. Saum is the fourth pillar of Islam.
3. Saum helps us not only to keep away from food and drink but also helps us to develop the qualities of self-control. This is one of the main objectives of Fasting.
4. By being “hungry” throughout the entire day, we are able to understand the plight of the poor and hungry and be more sympathetic towards them.
5. Saum helps build in us “Taqwa” or piety, a quality that makes us have Fear for Almighty Allah.
6. When we Fast we avoid speaking lies, speaking bad about others, laughing at others, keeping bad intentions and thoughts in our hearts, avoid being miserly, and keeps us in check with all the bad elements of our character.
7. The Month of Ramadaan is a spiritual training ground for the Muslim community.
8. Fasting helps us to build up a good character so that Almighty Allah is pleased with us and will reward us.
9. Fasting also has numerous medical benefits.
10. During the Blessed Month of Ramadaan, a Muslim has the chance of seeking Almighty Allah’s great Mercy in the special night of “Laylatul Qadr” or the Night of Power.
11. The Taraweeh Salaah, which is performed after the Isha Salaah, helps to increases Islamic Brotherhood and the sense of true Ibaadah.
The Position of Saum
Almighty Allah states in the Holy Quran: “O You who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, so that you may learn self-restraint.” (2:183)
1. Fasting in the Month of Ramadaan is Fard upon every Muslim male and female, who are Muqeems and are physically fit.
2. Fasting not only means to stay away from all food and drink, but also from all sinful activities from dawn till sunset.
3. It is necessary to make the Niyyah of Fasting before Fasting. The Niyyah can be said with words or made in one’s heart.
4. If a person forgets to make the Niyyah at the time of keeping Fast, then he or she should make the Niyyah before Zawaal.
5. It is also a great Sunnah to make the Sehri in the morning.
Types of Fast
1. FARD – This is to Fast in the Month of Ramadaan.
2. WAAJIB – To keep Fast for the fulfilment of a vow or oath.
3. SUNNAH – To keep Fast during the 9th and 10th of Muharram, the 9th of Zil-Hajj, and the 13th, 14th and 15th of every Islamic month.
4. MUSTAHAB – To fast during any 6 days of Shawaal, the 15th of Shabaan, and to fast every Monday and Thursday.
5. MAKROOH – For a wife to keep Nafil Fast without the permission of her husband.
6. HARAAM – To keep Fast during both the Eids, and the 11th, 12th and 13th of Zil-Hajj.
Persons Excused from Fasting
1. A Traveller
2. A very sick person.
3. A pregnant woman.
4. A women who is breast-feeding her child.
5. Women who have their monthly sickness or who have just given birth.
Sunnah acts during fasting and in the Month of Ramadaan
1. To partake of Sehri before the Subha Saadiq (break of dawn).
2. To make Sehri at the last part of the Subha Saadiq.
3. To break Fast immediately after sunset.
4. To perform Taraweeh Salaah at night.
5. To increase the recitation of the Holy Quran.
6. To observe I’tikaaf (Seclusion) during the last 10 days of Ramadaan.
Makrooh acts during Fasting
1. To chew gum, rubber, plastic or other substances.
2. To taste food. If a woman fears that her husband will not be satisfied with her cooking, then she may taste the food making sure that nothing goes down her throat.
3. To collect saliva in one’s mouth with the intention of swallowing a mouthful so that one is able to quench one’s thirst.
4. To delay Fard Ghusal till after Sehri without any excuse.
5. To complain of hunger and thirst.
6. To use bad languages, fight, tell lies, and do all sorts of bad things. These are also very sinful acts even when a person is not Fasting.
Qaza Saum
Fasting breaks if a person has done one or more of the following acts. The person will have to keep the Fast again as a Qaza Fast. What are the acts that break the fast?
1. To let water down the throat while fasting.
2. To vomit intentionally.
3. To eat or drink in error and to continue to eat or drink when one realizes that one is fasting.
4. To prolong the Sehri after the Subha Saadiq.
5. To open Fast before the actual time of Iftaar.
6. To put oil (or any liquid), which reaches the stomach, in the ear or nostril.
If a person deliberately or intentionally breaks his or her Fast by eating or drinking, then he or she must observe Kaffarah. This means that he or she must pay penalty for the fast that has been broken. How can this be done?
1. One has to fast continuously for 60 days.
2. One can feed 60 people two proper meals.
3. One can feed one poor person 2 proper meals per day for 60 days.
4. One can give the poor 1 kg and 700 g of wheat or its value in cash or kind per person to 60 poor people.
Any person who cannot fast because of old age or some serious illness, for which there is no cure, should give Fidya for every Fast that they have missed. “Fidya” is also a type of penalty for missing a Fast. The amount that should be given as Fidya is as follows :
1 One kg and 700 g of wheat or its value.
2 Two meals or its value.
Any one of these two should be given to a poor person. Please note that the amounts stated above is per Fast. So if a person has missed 30 Fasts, then any one of the above provision that a person wishes to give, should be multiplied by 30!