1. All Praise is for Almighty Allah, Lord of all the Worlds.
2. The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.
3. Master of the Day of Judgement.
4. We worship You alone, and beg You alone for help.
5. Guide us in the Straight Path.
6. The path of those whom You favoured.
7. Not of those who have earned Your anger and nor of those who have astray.
Surah Fateha means “The Opening”. It is the beautiful opening of the Book of Allah Ta’ala. It is also known as “Umm al-Kitab” (Mother of the Book), “al-Hamd” (the Praise) and “al-Asas” (the Foundation).
An Angel once told the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) that it is a light that has never been given to any other Prophet before him. It is the main Du’a of the Muslims, and Muslims should recite it in every Rakaah of Salaah.
This Surah is placed at the beginning of the Holy Quran. It is actually a prayer. Allah Ta’ala is Kind, Merciful, Good to us, and for Him is all our praise. He is our Master and King. We shall stand before Him on the Day of Judgement with our actions, good and bad.
This Surah teaches us how to speak to Allah Ta’ala. He is the only One we worship and ask for help. We ask Him for help with the Wasila (means of approaching Allah’s Court) of the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). We ask Allah Ta’ala to guide us both in this world and the next. We ask Allah Ta’ala to keep us on the path of those pious people whom He is pleased with. We ask Him not to make us follow those people with whom He is angry, nor those who mislead us, making us confused and lost.
The other names of Surah Fateha are:
Faatehatul Kitaab (Opening Chapter of the Book);
Ummul Quran (Mother of the Quran);
Suratul Kanz (Chapter of the Treasure);
Kaafiyah (Abundant);
Waafiyah (Complete);
Shaafiyah (Healing);
Shifa (Cure);
Noor (Light); etc.
This Surah was revealed in Makkatul Mukarramah. It contains 7 Ayahs, 27 words and 140 harf (letters).
1. Say you: He is Allah, the One.
2. Allah the Independent, Carefree.
3. He does not give birth, He was not born.
4. And nor anyone is equal to Him.
Surah al-Ikhlas is one of the most important Surahs of the Holy Quran because it tells us about what we should believe about Allah Ta’ala. Al-Ikhlas means “The Purity of Faith”. When the Makkans, the Jews and the Christians asked the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) about Allah Ta’ala, he used to answer them with this Surah. Our Nabi Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) used to recite this Surah often in his Salaah. He also said that by reciting this Surah a Muslim will be in love with Almighty Allah.
This Surah tells us that Allah Ta’ala is the One and Only. He is not in need of anything. Allah Ta’ala does not depend on anyone but all things depend on Him. He has no son. He has no father. He is so near to us that it is He Who always cares for us. There is no person like Him. Allah resembles none and nobody resembles Him. There is none equal to Almighty Allah.
The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) said that Surah al-Ikhlas is equal to one-third of the Holy Quran, and that we should recite it often.
This Surah was revealed in Makkatul Mukarramah. It has 4 Ayahs, 15 words and 47 letters (harf).
1. O beloved! Undoubtedly, We have bestowed you abundance of good.
2. Therefore, offer Prayer to your Lord, and do the Sacrifice.
3. Undoubtedly, one who is your enemy, he is cut off from every good.
Al-Kausar is the name of a fountain in Jannah (Paradise). Almighty Allah has given the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) this fountain. Al-Kausar means “The Abundance”. Surah al-Kausar tells us that Almighty Allah gave the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) good things in abundance and excellences to which there are no limit. This Surah tells us about our Nabi Muhammad’s (salllal laahu alaihi wasallam) high status. Some leaders of the Quraish made fun of the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) when his young son, Hazrat Qasim (radi Allahu anhu), passed away saying that he no longer had any sons to carry on his name and that he would be forgotten after he passes away. Allah Ta’ala promises with this Surah that the memory of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) would continue forever and that all those who are his enemies will be forgotten.
It is true that all our Nabi Muhammad’s (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) enemies have been forgotten. All their riches and sons have been forgotten. Today, millions of Muslims remember our Nabi Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) in all parts of the world. They send blessings on him and his family millions of times each day. The enemies of Islam have been asked many times by Allah Ta’ala to get together and produce one Surah like this smallest Surah Kausar. They could not even produce a small Surah like this or change it.
This Surah was revealed to our Nabi Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) while he was in Makkatul Mukarramah. It has 3 Ayahs, 10 words and 42 letters (harf).
The following last two Suras of the Holy Quran were revealed together. These Surahs were revealed to the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) during a time when his health was slightly affected by witchcraft or black magic.
There was a Jew called Labid who got hold of the Prophet’s (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) blessed hair and put a spell on it. The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) became very sick.
After a few days Hazrat Jibra’eel (alaihis salaam) came to our Nabi Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) and told him that a Jew had made Jaa’doo (cast a spell) on him and had buried the Jaa’doo items under a stone in a certain well. Our Nabi (sallal laahu alaihi sallam) sent Hazrat Ali (radi allahu anhu) to remove the Jaa’doo items. Hazrat Ali (radi Allahu anhu) went immediately to that well and emptied the water from it. He found the stone and lifted it. Underneath the stone was a bag made of date palm fibres and in it was the blessed hair of our Nabi (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). He also found a few teeth of the blessed comb of Nabi Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) and a line or a string of a bow on which was tied eleven knots. There was also a puppet made of wax in which there were 11 needles. The Jaa’doo items were brought to our Nabi (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).
Almighty Allah then revealed these two Surahs together to our Nabi Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). Surah Falaq had five Ayahs and Surah Naas had six Ayahs, altogether counting eleven. When our Nabi Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) read all the eleven Ayahs, all the knots were opened one by one. The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) was cured.
The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) urged Muslims to recite these two Surahs as often as possible. It will protect us from the evil works of devils, Jinn or magic. It will protect us from hatred and jealousy. When anyone speaks ill about you, when you are feeling sad or unable to concentrate in your Salaah, then you must recite these two Surahs.
1. Say you: I come in the refuge of the Lord of all mankind.
2. King of all mankind.
3. God of all mankind.
4. From the evil of him who whispers evil thoughts in the heart and slips away.
5. Those who whisper in the hearts of mankind.
6. Jinn and men.
An-Naas means “The People”. Surah an-Naas teaches us to place our trust in Allah Ta’ala. It teaches us to seek Allah’s protection against things that might affect us. We should not place our trust in man. Allah Ta’ala is our King or Ruler. The Surah warns us against the secret whispers of evil inside our hearts. It also warns us about the evil that may come from other men or invisible spirits. As long as we put ourselves in Allah’s protection and we trust in Allah Ta’ala, evil will not be able to affect us.
This Surah was revealed in Madinatul Munawwarah. It has 6 Ayahs, 20 words and 79 letters (harf).
1. Say you: I seek refuge with the Lord of Day break.
2. From the evil of all creatures.
3. And from the evil of the darkening one when it sets.
4. And from the evil of those women who blow in the knots.
5. And from the evil of the jealous when he is jealous of me.
Surah al-Falaq (The Dawn) teaches us to seek shelter in Allah Ta’ala from every kind of evil of nature. It teaches us to seek Allah’s protection from all dark and evil plottings. This Surah also tells us that those who are sincere worshippers of Allah Ta’ala must be careful of the envious people who are the worst of peoples.
This Surah was revealed in Madinatul Munawwarah. It has 5 Ayahs, 23 words and 74 letters (harf).
1. Perished be the two hands of Abu Lahab and he is already perished.
2. His wealth and what he earned availed him not.
3. Now he enters into a blazing fire.
4. And his wife too; carrier of firewood on her head.
5. There is a rope of palm fibre in her neck.
This Surah is also called al-Masad (The Palm Leaf). Abu Lahab was the son of Hazrat Abdul Mutallib (radi Allahu anhu). Therefore, he was the Holy Prophet’s (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) own uncle, but he was an enemy of Islam. His original name was Abdul Uz’zaa, but he was called Abu Lahab because he was fair in complexion and handsome.
Abu Lahab and his wife did many terrible things to the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) and his Companions throughout their lives. Abu Lahab’s wife, Umme Jameel, used to get up very early in the morning to collect thorns to put in front of the Holy Prophet’s (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) house. One day she was carrying a bundle of wood on her head. She was tired so she sat down on a rock to take a breath. Allah Ta’ala commanded an Angel to pull the bundle of wood from behind her. The bundle of wood fell off her and the rope got caught around her neck, killing her.
In this Surah, Allah Ta’ala says that Abu Lahab will be put into the Fire of Hell and his wife will have a rope of palm fibre around her neck.
This Surah teaches us that those who hate our Nabi Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) will be punished by Allah Ta’ala. Allah Ta’ala does not tolerate a slightest hate against His most respected Prophet. Imaan means to have true love for our Nabi Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).
This Surah was revealed in Makkatul Mukarramah. It has 5 Ayahs, 20 words and 77 letters (harf).
1. When the Help of Allah and Victory come.
2. And you see men entering the religion of Allah in troops.
3. Then praising Allah glorify Him and beg His Forgiveness: Undoubtedly, He is most Accepting Repentance.
Surah an-Nasr (The Help) was a sign from Allah Ta’ala that the Holy Prophet’s (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) work had been completed. Islam had spread beyond Makkah and Madina. By now thousands and thousands of people had accepted Islam. Many tribes also came to accept Islam at the blessed hands of the beloved Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). His mission was successful. This Surah teaches us that Allah Ta’ala helps and gives victory to Muslims if they remain steadfast. Whenever a person is successful in any work, no matter how much he sacrificed and how much good he has done, he must never forget to remain humble before Allah Ta’ala, the Creator of the Universe. Muslims must pray to Allah Ta’ala and beg forgiveness from Him daily. As an example for us, our Nabi Muhammad made Tauba (Allah’s forgiveness) 70 times a day although he was, so that we too will follow his teachings.
This Surah was revealed in Madinatul Munawwarah. It has 3 Ayahs, 17 words and 77 letters (harf).
1. Say you: O unbelievers!
2. I worship not that you worship.
3. And nor you worship what I worship.
4. And I shall not worship what you worshipped.
5. And nor you shall worship what I worship.
6. For you, your religion, and for me my religion.
The Makkans wanted to make deals with the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) to change the religion of Islam so that they will find it easier to follow. In one of the deals some people said that they will worship Allah Ta’ala only for one year if the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) would worship their idols the next year, and they could continue to take turns year after year. So Allah Ta’ala revealed Surah al-Kaafiroon (The Unbelievers) to make it clear to the Quraish that it was not possible. Our Nabi Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) recited this Surah openly in public at every place to tell the Kufaar that the Muslims and the Kaafirs were not going to compromise as both their religions were not the same.
This Surah also tells us how to speak to the unbelievers. If a person does not accept Islam after it has been explained to him, we should not argue with that person, but simply say: “You follow your way, I will follow mine.”
The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) said that we must recite this Surah before going to sleep at night to protect us from unbelief.
This Surah was revealed in Makkatul Mukarramah. It has 6 Ayahs, 26 words and 94 letters (harf).
1. Well you see him who denies the Judgement.
2. Then he is the one who drives away the orphan.
3. And does not urge the feeding of the poor.
4. Then woe to those prayer performers,
5. Who are heedless of their prayers.
6. Those who make a show of it.
7. And refuse to give articles of use.
The title of this Surah means “The Basic Necessities”. In this Surah, Allah Ta’ala condemns people who only pay attention to the act of Salaah, but do not worry about nor take care of the orphans and the poors. These people do not want to help others. This Surah also warns against being forgetful of one’s prayers by not praying regularly or on time. Some people only pray so that others will say that he or she is very religious. The Holy Quran says that such people only pray to show people and warns such people. People who refuse to do even simple things for others are really hard-hearted and stingy. This Surah teaches us to help our fellow Muslim brothers in need. It is our duty to help the deprived, poor, orphans, the needy, etc. If we do not help them then Allah Ta’ala will be displeased with us.
This Surah was revealed to our Nabi Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) in Makkatul Mukarramah. It has 7 Ayahs, 25 words and 125 letters (harf).
1. Because the Quraish were made to benefit.
2. He made them benefit in their journeys of both winter and summer.
3. They should therefore worship the Lord of this House.
4. Who gave them food in hunger, and bestowed them security from a big fear.
Surah al-Quraish means “The Quraish Tribe.” The Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) belonged to the Quraish Tribe. The Quraish earned their living by trading with their neighbours. In the winter they sent trade caravans Southeast, to Yemen, to buy spices and other goods. In the summer they sold these goods to the people of the north, Shaam (Syria), from whom they bought many food products. The Quraish became very respected and protected wherever they went as they were also in charge of the Holy Kaaba. The Quraish were also well recognised because they defeated Abraha, the Christian leader who tried to destroy the Holy Kaaba. The Quraish had become used to their comfortable position and never having to worry about their food and safety. In this Surah, Allah Ta’ala tells that they should worship Him, the Lord of the Kaaba, rather than the idols which they have put in and around the Holy Kaaba. They should thank Allah Ta’ala for providing for all their needs.
This Surah was revealed in Makkatul Mukarramah. It has 4 Ayahs, 17 words and 73 letters (harf).
1. O beloved! Have you not seen how your Lord dealth with the men of the Elephant?
2. Did He not cause their devise to be ruined.
3. And He sent against them flocks of bird.
4. Striking them with stones made of baked clay,
5. And thus made them like broken straw eaten up.
Surah al-Feel (The Elephant) tells us about how Allah Ta’ala destroyed the army that came to destroy the Holy Kaaba.
Abraha, a powerful Christian leader, built a grand Church in San’aa but the Yamanite Arabs did not worship the idols placed in his Church. The Arabs had their own idols in the Holy Kaaba which they worshipped. Abraha was bent on destroying the Holy Kaaba, so he marched to Makkah with sixty thousand men and several huge elephants, to destroy the Holy Kaaba. The army was too great for the people of Makkah to fight so they went and hid in the mountains and caves around Makkah. As Abraha’s army came near Makkah, the head elephant stopped and refused to fight in the war. Then Allah Ta’ala destroyed the enemies with a flock of birds which attacked them with stones of clay. These clay pebbles pierced through the bodies of Abraha’s warriors along with their elephants and horses. They began to bleed heavily and they died in a short time. The Holy Kaaba and Makkah were left unharmed. When Abraha and his army came to destroy the Holy Kaaba the people of Makkah prayed to Allah Ta’ala for help and protection. This Surah was a reminder to the Quraish that they must worship the One and only Allah who is the Lord of the Kaaba. They should think about how Allah Ta’ala destroyed Abraha and his army and should also not oppose Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). This Surah assures Muslims that Allah Ta’ala can protect any of His Signs by any of His creatures. If a small community of steadfast Muslims depend on Allah Ta’ala, He will be able to destroy any super power with His tiny creatures to protect these faithful Muslims.
This Surah was revealed in Makkatul Mukarramah. It has 5 Ayahs, 20 words and 96 letters (harf).
1. By the time of the beloved (Prophet).
2. Undoubtedly, man is necessarily in loss.
3. But those who believed, and did good deeds, and joined one another to accept truth, and counselled one another to be steadfast.
Surah al-Asr (The Passing Time) summarises in a few words the main themes of the Holy Quran. This Surah says that we will be losers if we do not make the most of our time by filling it with good deeds. It is these good deeds that will help us in the Hereafter.
Those who do not believe in Allah and do not do good deeds, or spent their lives in lies and hypocrisy, will one day lose all that they worked for. Those who do not struggle to establish or fight for the truth will end up being losers.
We must have faith and always try to do our best. We must encourage each other – our family, friends, and neighbours – to strive for what is good and true and have patience to be successful.
This Surah teaches us that we must have four basic characteristics:
1. Our belief must be perfect. We must not have wrong beliefs,
2. We must perform pious deeds as taught by Allah Ta’ala and His beloved Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam), 3. We must encourage others to follow the truth, and
4. We must enjoin others to be patient and steadfast.
It is said that when the Sahabas met, they would recite this Surah before parting each other’s company.
This Surah was revealed in Makkatul Mukarramah. It has 3 Ayahs, 14 words and 68 letters (harf).
1. The piling of more wealth has kept you heedless.
2. Till you saw your graves.
3. Yes, soon you will come to know.
4. Again, yes, soon you will come to know.
5. Yes, if you had known with knowledge of certainty, you would not have loved wealth.
6. Undoubtedly, you shall necessarily, see Hell.
7. Then again, undoubtedly, you shall necessarily see it with the eye of certainty.
8. Then, undoubtedly, you shall surely be asked about the favours.
Surah at-Takathur (The Piling of Wealth) is a warning to people who spend much of their time trying to make more money and collect more material possessions for the sake of being richer or more important. Such people want to be better than other people in something. The Holy Quran says that such people will find out the truth in the grave. None will carry anything in the grave and no riches will work after death. The only thing that will be of use in the Aakirah (Hereafter) will be the good deeds. People will be thrown in the Hell and will be questioned for what they have been doing. We will be questioned in the Aakirah about everything (favours) which Allah Ta’ala has given us and what we have done with it (our wealth, health, food, clothing, talents and abilities, etc.) The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) lived a very simple life and we should do the same.
This Surah was revealed to the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) in Makkatul Mukarramah. It has 8 Ayahs, 28 words and 120 letters (harf).
1. Undoubtedly, We sent it down in the blessed and valuable Night.
2. And what do you know, what the blessed Night is?
3. The blessed and valuable night is better than a thousand months.
4. Therein descend Angels and Jibra’eel (the Spirit) by the command of their Lord for every affair. 5. That is all peace till the rising of the dawn.
Surah Qadr (The Power) tells us about Laylatul-Qadr or the Night of Power. It is during this night that the Holy Quran was sent down from the Preserved Tablet to the lowest Heaven. It is also the night that Hazrat Jibra’eel (alaihis salaam) appeared to Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) in the cave with the first revelation of the Holy Quran (al-Alaq 96: 1-5)
Laylatul-Qadr falls on one of the odd-numbered nights of the last ten days of the month of Ramadaan (i.e., the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th or 29th). During these last ten days, Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) and his Companions used to spend all their time in the mosque in seclusion (I’tikaf), praying and reading the Holy Quran, and waiting for this special night on which the Angels come down to earth with Allah Ta’ala’s commands. It is said that if a person is awake on this night and asks Allah Ta’ala for something, He will give it to him.
This Surah was revealed in Makkatul Mukarramah. It has 5 Ayahs, 30 words and 112 letters (harf).
1. Have We not expanded your chest?
2. And removed from you your burden.
3. Which had broken your back?
4. And We have exalted for you your remembrance.
5. Therefore, surely there is ease with hardship.
6. Undoubtedly, there is ease with hardship.
7. So when you are free after prayer, then strive hard in invocation.
8. And attend to your Lord only.
Surah Inshirah (The Expansion) was revealed during the very early days of the Prophet’s (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) mission. The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) had been very troubled in his early years by the terrible things which went on in Makkan society: young girls were buried alive, poor people were exploited or abused by the rich, and wars were fought between tribes, killing innocent people. The Arabs began worshipping idols instead of the One Allah. All these things were a great burden or weight upon the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). When Hazrat Jibra’eel (alaihis salaam) came to him with Allah’s Word, it was a great means of comfort and easing his burden.
After reminding Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) of Allah Ta’ala’s great favours upon him, the Surah goes on to say that Almighty Allah always sends some relief along with or after every difficulty. We should continue to strive to perform our worship even after Allah Ta’ala has eased our load with His Mercy. Many people are very active in praying when they are in trouble but when everything is going well they forget Allah Ta’ala. When our duties have been performed, we should spend time in the evening and night hours with our Lord, in worship.
The verse “And We have exalted for you your remembrance” was a prophecy of the future. It promises the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) that his status will be famous among the people and will continue to achieve fame. This proved to be true, as he was the first Prophet in history to achieve complete success during his lifetime. There is no moment in which the blessed Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) is not mentioned somewhere in the world – either in the Shahdah, calling the Adhan, performing the Salaah, giving the Khutbah, reciting the Salaat and Salaam, or making Du’a. This is Allah Ta’la’s special favour to him as His final Messenger and beloved servant.
This Surah was revealed in Makkatul Mukarramah. It has 8 Ayahs, 27 words and 103 letters (harf).
1. By the growing brightness of the morning.
2. And by the night when it covers.
3. Your Lord has not forsaken you, nor He was disgust.
4. And undoubtedly, the following one is better for you than the preceding one.
5. And soon your Lord shall give you so much that you will be satisfied.
6. Did He not find you an orphan, then give you shelter?
7. And He found you drowned in His Love, therefore gave way unto Him.
8. And He found you needy so He enriched you.
9. So put not pressure over orphan.
10. And chide not the beggar.
11. And publicize well the favours of your Lord.
Surah ad-Dhuha (The Morning Light) was revealed during the early days of the Prophet’s (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) mission. In this period he was worried and Hazrat Jibra’eel (alaihis salaam) did not come with any Revelations for some time. The unbelievers of Makkah started to tease the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam), saying that his Lord had abandoned him. Allah Ta’ala assures the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) that He can never leave him being His most perfect model for humanity. Allah Ta’ala being the Most Merciful can never be Angry with His great Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) who is also “Rahmatul-lil-Aalameen” (Mercy unto Mankind). Allah Ta’ala also assures the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) that every tomorrow of his is better than today, meaning that the Holy Prophet’s (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) status will ever increase till he occupies the highest seat of Maqaam-e-Mahmood in the Aakirah. So, the first section begins by assuring him that everything would turn out well in the end. Many scholars have translated verse 7 saying that the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) was astray and Allah Ta’ala showed him the right way. (Allah forbid!) All the Prophets and Messengers of Allah Ta’ala are righteous, pious and on the straight path, being innocent by birth. The Holy Prophet who is the Imaam of all the Prophets (alaihimus salaam) was never astray or wrongly wandering or the one who lost his way. The second section reminds Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) that Allah Ta’ala had helped him out of many troubles before. The beloved Messenger of Allah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) was burdened by the death of his father, mother and grandfather in his early childhood; Allah Ta’ala provided for him through the care of his uncle and later through his marriage to the wealthy widow, Hazrat Khatija (radi Allahu anha), his first wife. From a difficult beginning Allah Ta’ala raised him to a position of fame.
In this Surah, Allah Ta’ala was instructing Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) and all the Believers to be very careful of their treatment of those more unfortunate than themselves. The Prophet’s (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) life was the best example of good treatment for us to follow. Gratefulness to Allah Ta’ala is a must for everyone.
This Surah was revealed in Makkatul Mukarramah. It has 11 Ayahs, 40 words and 172 letters (harf).
1. By the Fig and the Olive.
2. And by Mount Sinai.
3. And by this City of Security.
4. Undoubtedly, we have made man in the fairest stature.
5. Then We restored him the lowest of the low.
6. But those who believed and did good deeds, for them is a never -ending reward.
7. What then now causes you to lie about the Judgement?
8. Is not Allah the Greatest of all Rulers?
Surah Theen (The Fig) begins with an oath on the fig, the olive, Mount Sinai and on the City of Makkah. Allah Ta’ala says that He created humans in the best of forms, and then reduced him to the lowest of the low – except those who believe and do good. Allah Ta’ala had honoured Hazrat Adam (alaihis salaam) and his children above all creatures, giving humans the possibility of reaching a height above the Angels, through obedience. The people who believe and act righteous are entitled to the highest credit from Allah Ta’ala. They will receive unlimited rewards. On the other hand, people who ignore their higher nature can come down to a level of behaviour much worse than the most savage animals.
The Surah ends by asking: what could make people deny the final Judgement? People who do the worst crimes are never caught, and many people who do the best throughout their lives are never rewarded. It is Allah Ta’ala who will hand out the true and exact Justice to His creatures in the end.
This Surah was revealed in Makkatul Mukarramah. It has 8 Ayahs, 34 words and 105 letters (harf).