Wudu (Ablution) is the key to Salaah and it is essential that we perform Wudu first before we begin Salaah. These are the steps to take when making Wudu:

Method of making Wudu

First, make the Niyyah (Intention) for Wudu:

a: Wash both the hands up to the wrist 3 times making sure that water has reached between the fingers.
b: Next, put a handful of water into the mouth and rinse it thoroughly 3 times.
c: After this, sniff water into the nostrils 3 times to clean them and then wash the tip of the nose 3 times.
d: Wash the face 3 times from right ear and from the forehead to the throat.
e: Wash the right arm and then the left arm thoroughly from the wrist to the elbow 3 times.
f: Then move the palm of the wet hand over the head, starting from the top of the forehead to the back and pass both hands over the back of the head to the neck.
g: Next, rub wet fingers into the grooves of both ears and holes and also pass the wet thumbs behind the ears.
h: Next pass the back of wet hands over the nape.
i: Finally, wash both feet to the ankles starting from the right and making sure that water has reached between the toes and all other parts of the feet.

The Fards (Faraa’id) of Wudu

There are 4 Fard in Wudu which we must strictly follow. These 4 Fards are:

1. To wash the face – which is from the forehead till the chin and from one ear to the other ear once.
2. To wash both the arms till the elbows once.
3. To make Masah of at least a quarter of the head. By quarter is meant 4 fingers width.
4. To wash the feet till the ankles once.
5. If these 4 actions are not carried out, then the Wudu will be incomplete. It will, therefore, be Haraam for a person to read Salaah.

The Sunnahs of Wudu

There are also some Sunnahs of the Wudu, which if you perform will earn you immense Thawaab. These Sunnahs are:

1. To make the intention of Wudu before you begin.
2. To say “Bismillah” before you begin.
3. To wash the hands up to the wrist 3 times.
4. To gargle the mouth.
5. To wash the nostril.
6. To use Miswaak to clean the teeth. “Miswaak” is a special tooth-brush made from the roots of certain trees.
7. To make Wudu in the correct sequence.
8. To wash all parts immediately one after the other.
9. To wash all parts 3 times.
10. To make Masah of the ears.
11. To make Masah of the whole head.
12. To make “Khilal” of the beard (pass wet fingers through the beard).
13. To make Khilal of the fingers and toes (pass wet fingers in between the toes and fingers).

When does Wudu become Makrooh ?

There are certain actions which are “Makrooh” or “undesirable” in Wudu. Some of these actions are:

1. To make Wudu in a dirty place.
2. To cleanse the nose using the right hand.
3. To talk of worldly things while making Wudu.
4. To perform Wudu in any sequence, for example, to wash the feet first then the face.
5. To waste water.
6. To use too little water so that certain parts are not washed properly.
7. To splash water on the face.
8. To ask someone for help in making Wudu without a proper reason.

The Mustahabs of Wudu

There are certain acts which are “Mustahab” or “preferable” in Wudu. Some of these acts are:

1. To face the Qiblah. Remember that you should not spit towards the Qiblah.
2. To make Wudu in a clean place.
3. To read “Bismillah” before washing each part.
4. To read the proper Du’as when washing each part.
5. To wash each part from the right side.
6. To shift or to remove rings or bangles and to let the water pass under these objects.
7. To clean the nostrils with the left hand.
8. To clean the inside of the ears.
9. To read the Du’a and the Kalimah Shahaadah after Wudu and to also read Surah Qadr facing towards the sky.

Actions which Break Wudu and Tayyammum

There are certain actions which break the Wudu and Tayyammum. We will learn about Tayyammum later. What are these actions? These actions are:

1. Any discharge from one’s private part, for example urine, stool, wind, or any substances.
2. When blood, pus or any matter flows out from a cut, wound, sore or pimple.
3. When one vomits a mouthful.
4. When one falls off to sleep while leaning or lying down.
5. When one becomes mad, faints or gets epileptic fits.
6. Laughing aloud in Salaah.
7. The spitting of blood, if the blood is more than the saliva.
8. When one becomes drunk or looses ones frame of mind either through drinking alcohol or taking drugs.

When is it Mustahab to make Wudu?

There are certain occasions when it is Mustahab to make Wudu. Some of these are:

1. When one awakens from sleep.
2. Before every Fard Salaah, even if one already has Wudu.
3. When one becomes angry.
4. When reading the Holy Quran from memory (Hifz).
5. When listening to Islamic lectures and when learning or teaching Islam.
6. When giving Azaan or Takbeer or when delivering the Khutbah.
7. When visiting sacred places like the Mazaars of the Awliya Allah.
8. When making Wuqoof on the plains of Arafaat on the 9th of Zil Hajj.
9. When making Sa’ee between Saffa and Marwa.
10. After backbiting and after committing a sin.
11. When visiting the grave-yard.

Masah over the Bandage or Plaster

“Masah” is to wipe over a specific area, in this case the plaster or the bandage, with wet hands. If any part of the body which has to be washed in Wudu and has a plaster or bandage over it, then one is permitted to make Masah over the plaster and bandage. Remember that Masah, in this case, can only be done if:

1. By removing the bandage or plaster causes pain.
2. Water is harmful to the wound.
3. Water lengthens the healing process.


Without Wudu or Tayyammum, you cannot:

1. Carry or touch the Holy Quran that is without a proper cover.
2. Read Salaah.
3. Make Tawaaf.
4. Perform the Sajdah Tilaawah.