Earlier in this book, we learnt that A’la Hadrat (alaihir rahmah) gained proficiency in more that fifty branches of knowledge. With this, A’la Hadrat (alaihir rahmah) wrote many books on various aspects of Islam. A’la Hadrat (alaihir rahmah) was a genius writer. He wrote numerous books and treatises in Arabic, Persian, and Urdu on diversified topics.

To date, it has not been fully ascertained as to exactly how many books he wrote, for in doing so, requires research and many personnel. There has risen, over the past years, many Islamic Scholars in the Indo-Pak Sub-Continent and in other parts of the world, who are making serious attempts in studying or translating the works of this great Mujaddid of Islam.

In 1887, at the age of 30 years, he had completed 75 books and treatises. In 1909, at the age of 43 years, this number increased up to 500. HOWEVER, IT HAS BEEN ESTIMATED THAT THE NUMBER OF BOOKS WRITTEN BY SAYYIDUNA A’LA HADRAT (alaihir rahmah) EXCEED 1 000 ON MORE THAN 50 BRANCHES OF KNOWLEDGE. Apart from these contributions, he had written annotations and commentaries on more than 150 books pertaining to various branches of learning.

Professor Dr Muhammad Hassan, Shaikh-ul-Adab, Islamia University, Bhawalpur, said: “Mawlana was a prolific writer. He wrote a large number of treatises. It is due to the fact that his head and heart had surging waves of knowledge which were hard to restrain.”

From the many books that were written by him, a table of 549 have been classified. The table is as follows:

Topic on which books was written Amount of books

Tafseer of the Quran 11
Aqaa’id (Belief) 54
Hadith and Principles of Ahadith 53
Fiqh, Principles of Fiqh, Dictionary of Fiqh
Faraa’idh and Tajweed 214
Tassawwuf, Wazifas, Morals 19
Reviews of Books 40
Language, Arabic Grammar, Dictionaries, History
Poetry and Special Benefits, Travelling 55
Inspired Knowledge (Jafar) 11
Logarithms 8
Astronomy, Astrology 22
Mathematics, Geometry 31
Philosophy, Sciences, Logistics 7
Algebra 4


The names of a few books written by A’la Hadrat (alaihir rahmah) have been listed below:

1. Fatawa Radawiyyah (12 volumes approx. 12 000 pages)
2. Husaamul Haramain
3. Ad Daulatul Makkiya Bil Madatul Ghaibiya
4. Al Mu’tamadul Mustanad
5. Al Amn o wa Ula
6. Alkaukabatush Shahabiya
7. Al Istimdaad
8. Al Fuyoozul Makkiyah
9. Al Meeladun Nabawiyyah
10. Kanzul Imaan (translation of Holy Quran)
11. Fauze Mubeen Dar Harkate Zameen
12. Hidayake Bakhshish
13. Subhaanus Subooh
14. Sallus Say yaaful Hindiya
15. Ahkaame Shariat
16. Az Zubdatuz Zakkiya
17. Abna ul Mustapha
18. Tamheede Imaan
19. Angote Choomne ka Mas’ala

Professor Abdul Shakoor Shad, Kabul University, Afghanistan, said: “The research works of Imam Ahmed Raza Khan are worth presenting. There is due need that Historical and Cultural Societies of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran together with other such institutions keep all his writings duly catalogued in their libraries.”

His Divinely bestowed intelligence was such, that when A’la Hadrat (alaihir rahmah) completed a quarter of any given book at the feet of a teacher, he used to study and memorize the remainder of the book by himself. It is recorded that he completed an Arabic commentary on the book, “Hidaayatun Nahw”, on Arabic Syntax, when he was only 8 years old!


In the year 1904, A’la Hadrat (alaihir rahmah) founded “Darul Uloom Manzare Islam” in Bareilly Shareef. This great religious institution has thus far served the Muslim world superbly. Each year, a large number of students graduate from this institution as Fadhils, Aalims, Hufaaz and Qur’ra.

Many of Ulema of South Africa are also students of Madressa Manzare Islam. To name a few:- Mawlana Abdul Hadi Al Qaderi; Mawlana Abdul Hamid Palmer Al Qaderi; Mawlana Ahmad Muqaddam Al Qaderi; Qaari Ahmad Khalil Razvi; Mawlana Nazir Farouk Razvi.

With the exception of Madressa Manzare Islam, there are also scores of institutes and organisations world-wide that are spiritually affiliated to Sayyiduna A’la Hadrat (alaihir rahmah). A few of them are:

1. Jaamia Nooria Radawiyah (Bareilly Shareef) – India
2. Madressa Mazhare Islam (Bareilly Shareef) – India
3. Razvi Darul Ifta (Bareilly Shareef) – India
4. Raza Academy (Bombay) – India
5. Idara Tahqeeqaat-e Imam Ahmad Raza – Pakistan
6. Raza Musjid – London
7. Raza Academy – London
8. Imam Ahmad Raza Academy – South Africa
9. Sunni Razvi Centre – Mauritius – S. Africa
10. Muhibbane Raza-e-Mustapha – South Africa
11. Jamia Razvia (Lahore) – Pakistan
12. Jamia Razvia Zia Ul Uloom (Rawalpindi) – Pakistan
13. Darul Uloom Imam Ahmad Raza – India