Allama Mawlana Naqi Ali Khan (alaihir rahmah), was born in Jamadi-ul-Akhir 1246 A.H. (1830). He was the son of the great Aarif and Scholar, Allama Khaja Raza Ali Khan, s/o of Allama Mohammed Kaazim Ali Khan, s/o Allama Shah Mohammed Azam Khan, s/o Allama Sa’adat Yaar Khan, s/o Allama Sa’eedullah Khan (alaihimur rahmah).
His father:
Allama Raza Ali Khan’s (alaihir rahmah) father was one of the greatest Sufis of his time. Khaja Muhammad Raza Ali Khan (alaihir rahmah) was born in the year 1224 A.H. He was also a great warrior and fought with General Bakht Khan against English invaders in the year 1834. He received his early education at the hands of Allama Molwi Khaleerur Rahman Rampuri (alaihir rahmah). At the age of 23, he had already completed his Islamic education, earning certificates of distinction in various fields of knowledge. His speciality was the field of Tasawwuf. He passed away in Jamaadi-ul-Awwal 1282 A.H. (1866).
His forefathers:
It is interesting to note that the forefathers of Allama Mawlana Naqi Ali Khan (alaihir rahmah) migrated from Qandhaar (Kabul) during the Mogul rule and settled in Lahore. Allama Haafiz Sa’eedullah Khan (alaihir rahmah), the first forefather of Ala’ Hadrat, Imam Ahmad Raza (alaihir rahmah), held a high government post when he arrived in the Indo-Pak sub-continent. His son, Allama Sa’adat Yaar Khan (alaihir rahmah), after gaining victory in the city of Ruhailah, was elected as the Governor of that city.
Allama Hafiz Kaazim Ali Khan (alaihir rahmah), the son of Mawlana Azam Khan (alaihir rahmah), was a Tax collector in the city of Badayun (Home and birth place of Khaja Sultaan Nizamudeen Mehboob-e-Elahi alaihir rahmah). His son, Allama Khaja Muhammad Raza Ali Khan (alaihir rahmah), the illustrious grandfather of Ala’Hadrat (alaihir rahmah), did not serve in the Government. It was from this generation that the heads of the family began to adopt Tasawwuf as their way of life.
Allama Naqi Ali Khan (alaihir rahmah), received his education at the hands of his father, Allama Raza Ali Khan (alaihir rahmah). Allama Naqi Ali Khan (alaihir rahmah) was a great Mudarris (Teacher) and a prolific writer. Most of his time was spent in teaching and instilling the excellence of knowledge in the hearts of the people. His students posed intricate questions to him thinking that the Ustaaz will not be able to reply to them. But to their amazement, the Master replied instantaneously with a smile. His deep insight in complicated matters dazzled the contemporary Ulama of his time so much so that they conferred the title of Ra’eesul-Muhaqqiqeen (The Master of the Research Scholars) on him. Indeed, this title befitted him.
He wrote more than 50 books on various subjects, among them, “Suroorul Quloob fi Zikri Mouloodul Mahboob” and “Al-Kalaamul-Awdah fi Tafseer Sura Alam-Nash’rah”, which received very high distinctive stature amongst Islamic literature. His treatises are characteristic in its condemnation of the enemies of Islam, both internally and externally.
His achievements:
He was a senior Mureed and Khalifa of the Grand Master Ghousul-Waqt Khatimul-Akaabir Sayyid Ale’Rasool Ahmadi Al-Husaini Barkaati (alaihir rahmah) and also received the Ijaza of Hadith Shareef from the Murshid. The Murshid was a student of the celebrated Muhaddith, Allama Sha Abdul Azeez Muhaddith Dehlawi (alaihir rahmah). Allama Naqi Ali (alaihir rahmah) also received Ijaza of Hadith in Makkah Mukarrama from the illustrious Ustaazul-Ulama Sheikhul-Haram Sayyid Ahmad Zaini Dahlaan Makki (alaihir rahmah).
It was in the 19th Century (13th Hijri) that Allama Naqi Ali (alaihir rahmah) laid the foundation of a Darul-Ifta in Bareilly Shareef. This Darul-Ifta later became the nucleus and fountainhead of Fiqah in the whole world. Allama Naqi Ali (alaihir rahmah) was a great Jurist. He personally groomed his noble son, Imam Ahmad Raza t, and perfected him as a Master Jurist at the tender age of 13 years.
A famous incident:
It is recorded that once a person came to the Darul-Ifta at Bareilly Shareef with an Islamic query and presented it to Allama Naqi Ali (alaihir rahmah). He, in turn, referred the questioner to the Ifta office. The man went there and returned saying that there was no Mufti present there, but that only a child was sitting behind the desk. Allama Naqi Ali (alaihir rahmah) smiled and lovingly said: “Nowadays he is the appointed Mufti and he will answer all your questions. Go to him and hand him your question”. The man stood in amazement and then said, “Moulana! I have traveled a long way for a Fatwa on a very important issue and you are in a mood of joking.” Allama Moulana Naqi Ali (alaihir rahmah) said to the man, “I do not have time for jokes and I regard joking a serious offence especially in matters of the sacred Sharee’ah. Please take your question to the Mufti and Insha-Allah, he will give you your answer.”
However, the man went to the 13-year-old child (Imam Ahmad Raza) and presented him with the question. The young man instantly wrote the answer without consulting any Kitaab for reference. He then gave the paper to the man and asked him to verify it with his father who was in the other room. Allama Moulana Naqi Ali (alaihir rahmah) read the flawless answer with great joy and verified it. He thanked Almighty Allah for bestowing His Divinely blessed Knowledge (Ilme-Ladunni) on his son.
Imam Ahmad Raza (alaihir rahmah) records this incident in his own words as follows: “This question was regarding the ruling of Sharee’ah if the milk of a woman some how enters the throat of an infant. Will foster-ship apply? My reply to this question was as follows: ‘If the milk of a woman enters through the nostril or mouth of a child and reaches the stomach, then the law of foster-ship will apply. That child will be regarded as the women’s foster child.’ This was the very first Fatwa I had answered on 14th Shabaan 1289 Hijri and it was on this date that I was appointed a Mufti (Mansabe-Iftah). It was also on this day that Salaah became Fard on me (age of puberty). I was born at the time of Zohr Salaah on Saturday 10 Shawwaal 1272 Hijri, coinciding with 14 June 1856. My age was 13 years, 10 months and 4 days when I was blessed with the title of Mufti. Alhamdulillah, till this day I am constantly engaged in the service of Deen”.
The noble Imam, Imam Ahmad Raza (May Allah I sanctify his soul) passed away on Friday 25 Safar 1340 Hijri, 28 October 1921).
Blessed by Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ:
Allama Naqi Ali (alaihir rahmah) was a great lover of the Beloved Habeeb Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) and also remained engrossed in this love all his life. Once he fell very ill and was confined to bed. He laid there in a very depressed mood. The beloved Habeeb (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) saw the state of pain and depression of his true Aashiq and blessed him. One night, Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) appeared in his dream and compassionately gave him a cup of water to drink. As soon as he drank it, he was instantly cured. He awoke the next morning totally cured and once again healthy. It seemed if he was never sick.
Allama Naqi Ali (alaihir rahmah) passed away in Jamadi-ul-Ula 1297 A.H. (1880) and was laid to rest besides his illustrious father, Taajul-Aarifeen Imam Muhammad Raza Ali (alaihir rahmah). His Mazaar Shareef is in Bareilly Shareef, India. Every moment of his life was devoted to Allah and His Rasool (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) and the service of Islam. Due to this sincerity, the last thing that he wrote on a piece of paper was “Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem”. The last word that he uttered before he passed away was “Allah”. May Almighty Allah sanctify his soul and grant him proximity to his Creator.