Hadrat Sayed Muhammad Khalid Shah Chisti Saberi (alaihir rahmah) was born in 1935 in the city of Ajmer Shahreef in India. He hailed from a very noble family, being direct descendents of the Holy Prophet Hadrat Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). His father, Hadrat Sayed Muhammed Iqbal Shah (alaihir rahmah), and his grandfather, Hadrat Sayed Muhammed Jahangir Shah (alaihir rahmah), were great Awliya of their time and were very prominent personalities of the CHISTI SABERI SILSILA.
Hadrat Khalid Shah’s (alaihir rahmah) mother was also of noble descent. Since childhood, Hadrat Iqbal Shah (alaihir rahmah) was very attached to his son and always kept him in his company. Hadrat Khalid Shah (alaihir rahmah) studied under the personal guidance of his illustrious father, Hadrat Sayed Iqbal Shah (alaihir rahmah). When the partition of India and Pakistan took place in 1947, Hadrat Iqbal Shah (alaihir rahmah) was spiritually instructed by Sultaanul Hind, Hadrat Khwaja Ghareeb-e-Nawaaz (alaihir rahmah) to migrate with his family from Ajmer Shahreef in India to Sind, Hyderabad in Pakistan. This has been the residence of the family since then.
A few years before the demise of Hadrat Sayed Muhammed Iqbal Shah (alaihir rahmah) had left a Wasiyat that upon his death, his son, Hadrat Khalid Shah (alaihir rahmah), should succeed him as the SAJJADA NASHEEN OF THE CHISTI SABRI JAHANGIRI SILSILA. When Hadrat Iqbal Shah (alaihir rahmah) passed away in 1954, on the 40th day after the Wisaal, which was on the 25th of June, the Deed of Succession was carried out as instructed in the presence of various Mashaha’ikh of various Silsila’s. On this auspicious occasion, which was advertised in the newspapers of Pakistan, the sacred Tabarukaat (sacred relics) namely, The Kambli Shahreef and the Baal Mubarak were handed over to him.
At a very young age he abandoned this world and was placed with this tremendous amount of responsibility. From then onwards, he donned the garment of his Mashaha’ikh, that is the Black Kurta and Tehband (cloth covering the navel to the ankle). Hadrat Khalid Shah (alaihir rahmah) was a tall and beautiful person with an extremely attractive personality. Many non-Muslims accepted Islam at his hands merely by seeing his features. He always bowed his head in humbleness and whenever he spoke or walked he commanded a great deal of respect. Owing to his great personality he was very well respected also by the Mashaha’ikh of other Salasil.
Taking on the immense responsibility of providing guidance to others, he always taught his mureeds and other Muslims to remain steadfast on the Shahr’iah. He emphasised on the principles of proper Islamic Adaab – to respect the young and the old. Although Hadrat Khalid Shah (alaihir rahmah) had immense resources that were at his disposal, he never abused his position – a quality that was adopted by earlier Mashaha’ikh of the Chistiya Silsila and which Hadrat firmly adhered to. He led a very simple and disciplined life with minimum luxuries and worldly belongings. On many occasions during his inspiring talks he often cried when narrating incidents in the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) and his Sahaba Ikraam (radi Allahu anhum) and the Awliya Allah. This was due to his immense love for the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).
Due to his great influence, the Chisti Sabri Jahangiri Silsila spread to many countries like India, U.K., Pakistan, South Africa, etc. and places such as Jherruck, Paak Patan, Lahore, Bareilly, PeShahwar, etc. In the early sixties, Hadrat Khalid Shah (alaihir rahmah) had the Buland Darwaza constructed at the Mazaar of Hadrat Sabir Paak (alaihir rahmah) in Kalyar Shahreef, India. He personally purchased the wood for the door. Hadrat had once made an intention to make a catera or silver railing to place around the blessed grave of Hadrat Sabir Paak (alaihir rahmah) to prevent the people from leaning onto the grave. Upon helping a Hindu devotee in Kalyar by miraculously making his deaf and dumb child hear and speak within 3 days, the Hindu had offered to donate silver for the railing. This railing was made by Hadrat’s mureeds in Surat in India. Due to his personality many Hindus accepted Islam at his hands in India. Seeing this as a “threat” the government of India banned him from entering India. As a result of this banning order, he was unable himself to present the silver catera in the Mazaar of Hadrat Sabir Paak (alaihir rahmah). Nevertherless, this wish was fulfilled by Hadrat’s eldest son, Hadrat Sayed Muhammed Shah Chisti Sabri in 1989. He is the present Sajada-Nasheen.
Hadrat Khalid Shah (alaihir rahmah) now focused his attention to the Murshid of Hadrat Sabir Paak (alaihir rahmah) – Hadrat Baba Farid Ganje Shahkar (alaihir rahmah)- in Paak Patan Shahreef, Pakistan. Here he establised a huge Khanqah known as KaShahna-e-Masoodiya Sabireeya Khanqah where the Urs of Hadrat Baba Farid (alaihir rahmah) is grandly celebrated during the first five days of Muharram and which attracts devotees from all parts of the world – India, Pakistan as well as South Africa. In the 1980’s, upon the instruction of Hadrat Khalid Shah (alaihir rahmah), a golden Kalas (a structure mounted on the Dome) was made by his mureeds which was placed on the dome of the mazaar of Hadrat Baba Farid (alaihir rahmah). In Hyderabad, he was instrumental in establishing the Jashne Eid-e-Meelad-un Nabi Organization, the Ghareeb-e-Nawaaz Urs Committee and the Ghareeb Nawaaz Yateemkhana.
Hadrat Khalid Shah (alaihir rahmah) set his blessed foot for the very first time in South Africa in 1966. The Chisti Sabri Silsila in South Africa was already founded in 1944 with the blessing of Hadrat Iqbal Shah (alaihir rahmah) by his mureed, Janab Ibrahim Madari Chist Sabri. May Almighty Allah shower His infinite Mercy upon his grave. Aameen. He also visited South Africa in 1972, 1976, 1981, 1982, 1983 and 1984. During his visits to South Africa, thousands of people became his mureeds. He also delivered many inspiring talks throughout his visit. The Chisti Sabri Silsila spread throughout South Africa, including Botswana and Lesotho. Hadrat showed a great deal of concern towards his mureeds and well- wishers. He treated the poor and the rich alike and feared none besides Allah. Many respected people and Ulema used to seek Hadrat’s advice on various issues. There are numerous Karamats or miracles attributed to him.
During Hadrat Khalid Shah’s (alaihir rahmah) latter years his health began to deteriorate. His mureeds persuaded him to come to South Africa to receive expert medical advice, but in spite of all serious attempts to provide the best medical treatment, the Will and Divine Wisdom of Allah took its course. On the 16th of May 1984 (15 Shahbaan 1404 A.H.) Hadrat Khalid Shah (alaihir rahmah) left this mundane world for the Aakhirah. He is buried in Watville Benoni (South Africa) where the Urs is held every year in his honour attracting many devotees from all parts of the country. A beautiful Mazaar Shareef is being built over his Qabar Shareef. Hadrat Khalid Shah (alaihir rahmah) left behind 7 sons and 7 daughters.