Important Note: Durood Shareef should be read thrice before and after all Du’as and Wazaa’if.
There is great excellence and Karaamat in “A’uzoo Billah.” Nearly all Ambiya and Awliya read A’uzoo Billah in various ways. Even though it is not part of the Holy Quran, it is Sunnah to read it in Salaah and Waajib to read it outside Salaah. The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) has stated that when anyone recites the Ta’ooz, the Shaitaan says that his back has been broken. The Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) also said: “Any Muslim who reads Ta’ooz ten times a day is blessed by Allah with an Angel, who keeps Shaitaan away from him.”
Once the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) said to the people, “I know such a Kalma that cools anger and that is the A’uzoo Billahi Minash Shaitaan nir Rajeem.” It has been stated in the Hadith that any Muslim who recites the Ta’ooz three times in the morning and the last three Ayahs of Sura Hashr, is blessed by Allah by a thousand Angels, who pray for him until the evening, and if he does this in the evening, then they pray for him until the morning, and if he dies during the day, he will receive the Darjah (station) of Shahaadah.
“Bismillah” is the key to the Holy Quran and to all permissable actions. Any good deed that is commenced with the Bismillah is worthy of great reward. If any good action is not commenced with Bismillah, then that action remains incomplete. To recite it before any bad deed is forbidden. If one eats or drinks without reciting the Bismillah, the Shaitaan joins in the meal. When slaughtering an animal, one must say the words: “Bismillah Allahu Akbar.”
It is one complete Ayah of the Holy Quran. But it is not the part of any Surah. With the exception of Surah Tauba, every other Surah commences with the Bismillah. When performing Taraweeh, it is necessary for the Hafiz to recite Bismillah aloud at least once. In Surah Naml, the Bismillah which appears is part of the Ayah. The excellence of the Bismillah being explained here refers to the Bismillah written before each Surah in the Quran except for Surah Tauba.
The Ulema have stated that there are 3 000 known Names of Allah. One thousand are known only to Angels, 1 000 to Ambiya, 300 names are in the Taurah, 300 in the Injeel, 300 in the Zaboor and 99 in the Holy Quran. In total there are 2 999 in number. One Name is only known to Allah which He informed Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). In the Bismillah, the Names “Allah,” “Rahmaan” and “Raheem” are the basis of all the 3 000 Names. This, he who recites the Bismillah gets the blessings of reciting the 3 000 Names. It is in “Tafseer-e-Kabeer” that there are 19 alphabets in the Bismillah and the Angels of punishment in Jahannam are 19 in number. The hope is that through each Harf, each Angel of Azaab shall be passed.
When the Beloved Habeeb (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) went for Me’raj, he saw four rivers in Jannat – one of water, one of milk, one of wine (drink of Jannah) and one of honey. He questioned Sayyiduna Jibra’il (alaihis salaam) concerning these rivers, and he replied, “Pray and request to Allah so that He may inform you.” On the Du’a of Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam), an Angel appeared. It made Salaam and said, “Ya Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam)! Close your eyes.” When he opened his eyes, he was besides a building. The door of this building was made of gold and there was a lock on it and from under this building flowed rivers. When the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) decided to leave, the Angel requested him to enter the building. The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) said that there was a lock on the door. The Angels said that the keys were present.
They then entered the building and saw that there were four pillars and on each pillar was written “Bismillah Hir Rahmaan Nir Raheem.” He saw that a river of water flowed from the “Meem” of Bismillah, a river of milk flowed from the “Haa” of Allah, the river of wine flowed from the “Meem” of Rahmaan and a river of honey flowed from the “Meem” of Raheem. At that instance, Almighty Allah said, “O Beloved! Any Believer of your Ummah who recites the Bismillah will be worthy of these four rivers.”
It is in “Tafseer Azeezi” that if one is faced with a calamity, he should read the Bismillah 12 000 times in this manner that he should read it 1 000 times then read two Rakaah Nafil Salaah. He should continue this procedure till he reaches 12 thousand. All in all, he will read 24 Rakaahs of Nafil Salaah. After completion, he should ask for his problems to be solved, and Insha-Allah, his Du’as will be accepted.
If a friend becomes an enemy, read Bismillah Hir Rahmaan Nir Raheem 786 times and blow on his food. Insha-Allah, he will become a friend again. Bismillah also has numerous other benefits.
A. When one is in fear, or stressed and worried, the following Du’a should be read. This Du’a will assist you as it will give you peace of the mind and the heart.
The Du’a is:”Ya Allah, Ya Rahmaan, Ya Raheem, Dille Maara, Kun Mustqeem, Bahaqqe Iyya Ka Na’budu wa Iyya Ka Nasta’een, Wa Bahaqqe, Taa Haa wa Yaaseen, wa Bahaqqe Alaa bi zikrillahi tatma’inul Quloob, wa Bi Haqqe La Hawla wa Laa Quwatta illa Billahil Aliyil Azeem, Wa Tawakaltu alal Laahi Hasbunallahu Wa ne’mal Wakeel, Ne’mal Mowlaa wa Neman Naseer.”
B. To free oneself from calamities and illnesses, one should read the following Du’a:
1. “Fa Sah’hil Yaa Ilaahi Qulla Sa’bin, Bi Hurmati Sayyidil Abraari Sah’hil.”
2. “Yaa Rasoolalaahi Unzur Haalana, Yaa Habeeballahi Isma Qaalana,
Innani Fi Bahre Hamim Mughraqun, Khuz Yadi Sahil lana Ishkaalana.”
3. “Li Khamsatin Utfi biha Haral Wabaa’il Haatima,
Al Mustapha wal Mutadha wabnaahuma wal Faatima.”
4. “Ilaahi Bahaqqe Bani Fathima, ke bar qawl Imaa Kunni Khaatima,
Agar Daawatam rad Kunni war Qubool, Mano Daste Daamaane Aale Rasool”
5. “Ilaahi Bahaqqe Muhammad Rasool, Gunah Maaf kar ke du’aa kar Qubool”
C. Durood-e-Radawiyyah is a special Durood that should be read 100 times after Jummah Salaah. One should face Madinah Shareef with one’s hands folded in complete respect. The recitation of this Durood is a means of gaining great reward and blessing in this world and in the Hereafter.
The Durood is as follows:”Sallal laahu alan Nabiyyil Umiyyi Wa Aalihi Sallal laahu Alaihi wasallam Salaataw was Salaaman Alaika Yaa Rasoolallah”
D. Panj Ganj Qaaderiyah (Five Treasures Of The Qaaderi Order):
After Salaatul Fajr: “Yaa Azeezu Yaa Allahu” 100 times
After Zohar Salaah: “Yaa Kareemu Yaa Allah” 100 times
After Asr Salaah: “Yaa Jab’baaru Yaa Allah” 100 times
After Maghrib Salaah: “Yaa Sat’taaru Ya Allah” 100 times
After Esha Salaah: “Yaa Ghafaaru Yaa Allah” 100 times
E. Bismillah Shareef : If one wishes to be free from hardships and if one wishes to gain success, one should perform Wudhu, and then recite 1 000 times Bismillah. After this read two Rakahs of Nafil Salaah. Then, read abundant Durood Shareef and make Du’a in abundance. Continue this proceedure again and again until one has recited Bismillah 12 000 times and completed 24 Rakahs of Salaah in total, meaning that everytime one reads the 1 000 Bismillahs, he should make two Rakahs of Nafil Salaah. On completion of this Wazaa’if, one should make Du’a in the Court of Almighty Allah, through the mediation of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). Insha-Allah, one’s Du’a will be accepted. It is also preferable that in the first Rakah one should recite Ayatul Kursi, and in the second Rakah Surah Ikhlaas (Qul Huwallah).
F. Advice of the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) : Once The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) said to Sayyiduna Ali (radi Allahu anhu): “Do five things before going to bed at night, that is,
a. Give four thousand Dinars Sadqa,
b. Read one entire Holy Quran,
c. Fulfill the right of Heaven,
d. Fake peace between two people fighting, and
e. Perform one Hajj.”
Sayyiduna Ali (radi Allahu anhu) said, “O Prophet of Allah, this is very difficult for me.” The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) then said,
a. “Read four times Surah Faatiha, and you shall gain the Sawaab of giving four thousand Dinars in charity,
b. Read Surah Ikhlaas (Qul Huwallah) thrice, and you will gain the Sawaab of reciting one Holy Quran,
c. Recite Durood Shareef thrice, and you will gain the Sawaab of Jannah;
d. Recite Astaghfirullah Rabbi min Qulli Zambyu Wa Aatubu Ilaih ten times, and you will gain the reward of making peace between two people fighting, and
e. Recite the third Kalima (Subhaanallahi Wal Humdu lillahi Wa Laa Ilaha Ilal laahi Allahu Akbar Wa Laa Hawla Wa laa Quwata Illa Bil laahil Aliyil Azeem) four times and you will gain the reward of making Hajj.”
On hearing these words, Sayyiduna Ali (radi Allahu anhu) said: “As from this day onwards, I will always follow this practice.”
G. Faizaan-e-Ghaus-e-Azam: A’la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhu) wrote in his “Fatawa Razvia” that there are 11 names from amongst the names of Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (alaihir rahmah) that are a means of gaining blessings and freedom from hardships. If these names are recited during calamities, illness or in one’s home and business then the reciter will gain much benefit. These names are as follows:-
a. Sayyid Muhiy’yud’deen (alaihir rahmah)
b. Sultaan Muhiy’yud’deen (alaihir rahmah)
c. Qutub Muhiy’ud’deen (alaihir rahmah)
d. Khwaja Muhiy’yud’deen (alaihir rahmah)
e. Makhdoom Muhiy’yud’deen (alaihir rahmah)
f. Wali Muhiy’yud’deen (alaihir rahmah)
g. Baadshah Muhiy’yud’deen (alaihir rahmah)
h. Sheikh Muhiy’yud’deen (alaihir rahmah)
i. Maulana Muhiy’yud’deen (alaihir rahmah)
j. Ghaus Muhiy’yud’deen (alaihir rahmah)
k. Khaleel Muhiy’yud’deen (alaihir rahmah)
Sayyiduna Ali-e-Murtaza (radi Allahu anhu) states, “I heard Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) saying on this very Pulpit that any Muslim who reads Ayatul Kursi after every Salaah will not be slackened from entering Jannah, but by death.” In other words, soon after death, he will enter Paradise, and whoever reads Ayatul Kursi before sleeping will have his home, his friends and neighbours homes protected from Shaitaan and from thieves.
A person in reality is a traveller, and some time or the other, he needs to go on a journey. Any person who intends to go on a journey must read Sura Qul Ya Ay-yuhal Kaafirun, Sura Jaa’a, Sura Qul Hu-wallah, Sura Falaq and Sura Naas and then commence with his journey. Insha-Allah, his journey will be safe and prosperous.